Thursday, 26 November 2009

Avatar "A horrible piece of shit"

Cameron points with a manly stern 'fuck-off' on his face as Worthington stares wide eyed (and probably has a bit of turd in his pants too). Thats because just off camera, the Budget and the Hype are double teaming the set, the crew and well, pretty much Avatar in its entirety. And with this incredible eyewitness 'review' from Gawker its once again clear that the sheer scale of numbers involved in blockbuster films coupled with ridiculous hype means these films could never measure up to the legend they have already painted firmly into your little mushy grey cells.

Google Social Search

Google Labs

Started seeing Google social results in the serp today, even if these were slightly...odd...seemed to be pulling mainly Gmail contacts even thoguh I'd added my twitter profile very strange.

Considering such a huge wad of my recent tweets (as with most geek males) have been based around the epic Modern Warfare 2 I was suprised to see none of these tweets picked up in the social results...


Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Murdoch: FAIL...?

As much as I thought this was an instantaneous fail by the mighty ink/paper dino, it seems an early thought on what his next steps might be could actually become the reality.

Yes it does look like he is squeezing an invisible gorillas tit (much like Brown likes to cup invisible gorillas balls) however, he is infact in the midsts of a would be lethal 'Murdoch Heart Wrencher' which he is putting down on Google (who is stood just out of shot). Time will tell and a multitude of horrific posts will follow no doubt.